Department Details

Department of Allied Sciences, MDNIY is dedicated to teaching allied sciences subjects to Yoga students, practitioners, sadhaks and followers. The department has a fully equipped Biochemistry Laboratory with modern instruments for practical use by students pursuing undergraduate and post-graduate degree courses, as well as the Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Therapy for Medicos and Paramedics (PGDYTMP), along with various other short-term courses. Additionally, the department's faculty delivers lectures in various short-term courses and workshops.


In the field of Biochemistry, students delve into the chemical changes that occur within an organism during processes such as digestion, absorption, excretion, growth and multiplication. This study involves both qualitative and quantitative analysis of body fluids, which are significant in clinical biochemistry. Clinical biochemistry plays a crucial role in aiding clinicians in disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the disease as well as drug monitoring, tissue and organ transplantation, forensic investigations and more Various biological fluids including blood, plasma, serum, urine, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), ascetic fluid, pleural fluid, faeces, calculi, and tissues are subject to chemical tests and assays.


The Biochemistry Laboratory of the Department consist of advanced equipments such as Analytical Weighing Balance, pH meter, Vortex mixer, micro-centrifuge, Water Distillation Unit, Incubator, Oven, Centrifuge, Hot Water Bath, Refrigerator, Calorimeter, Paper chromatography apparatus, Thin layer Chromatography apparatus, Urinometer, Urinalysis material, Semi-auto- analyser, Immuno-analyser, Hand-held Blood analyser, Dual Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Multi-mode microplate reader.


Biochemistry Laboratory is upgraded with basic and advanced instruments for hands-on-training of the students. The laboratory has Multimode microplate reader, Spectrophotometer, Semi- autoanalyser to conduct basic research in the field of Yoga Research.

Faculty List

S. No. Photo Name Designation
1. Dr. Khushbu Jain Assistant Professor (Biochemistry)
2. Smt. Varsha Phale Mukherjee Medical Lab Technologist

Last updated on : 10-Feb-2025 15:44:46

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