1. Welcome to the MDNIY Library : The Institute’s Library has more than 16000 volumes in Hindi and English on Yoga and allied subjects.(Scrolling pics of weekly readers)
  2. Collection:The collection includes books, periodicals, newspapers, audio visuals. Moreover, Library has the Institute's publications corner, Dissertation, WHO Publications, back volume of journals for research purposes, etc.
  3. Subscription: The Institute’s Library is subscribing periodicals on Medical Science, Yoga, Ayurveda, Health, Nutrition, etc.along with procurement of magazines and newspapers for readers.
  4. Automation: “Alice for Windows” Library Automation Software is accessibleto search, circulate and for housekeeping operations.
  5. The Institute’s Library is managing several sections such as
    • Circulation Section : Library Books Circulation Service is available among various categories.
    • Reference Section : Scriptures, rare books are available for reference within in the Library reading room.
    • Periodicals Section : Periodicals current as well as back volumes of Yoga related periodicals are available for reading / reference / research purposes of the Library clientele.
    • Audio Visual Section : Many CDs / VCDs / DVDs are available which can be viewed in the Institute’s multimedia premises within the working hours.
    • MDNIY Publications Corner : All of the priced publications of the Institute are placed at a separate corner for the ease of the readers. It includes Annual Reports, Books, Journal, Newsletter, Souvenir, Abstract, Report, etc.
    • Gratis Section : The Institute’s Library is open for accommodating valuable documents received as donation / compliments from the Author/Publisher/Reader.The donated books are available for reading and reference purposes of the information seekers.
  6. Membership : The Library Membership is open for all; on an annual / quarterly period. Interested individual may submit duly filled membership form along with two passport size photographs and an address / ID proof. After necessary approval of the competent authority; the membership charges of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) for annual or Rs.250/- (Rupees Two hundred fifty only) for quarterly membership are required to be deposited in the Institute’s Accounts Section. (Link for membership form)
  7. Services:Access to .pdf of the journal articles are available. Extending support to provide photocopy and printout to the students, etc. as and when requested.
  8. Rules &Regulations:The borrower shall abide by the ‘Rules for recovery of Lost/Damaged - Issued Library Books’, in any case of loss or damage to the issued book(s). (Link for Rules & Regulations)
  9. New Arrivals: (scrolling pics)
  10. AYUSH Library :The literatures related to different Indian Systems of Medicine are available for readers under AYUSH Library. The collection is for reading and reference purposes of the MDNIY Library clientele.
  11. Book Bank: To facilitate economically weaker students of Master of Science (Yoga), Bachelor of Science (Yoga), PG Diploma in Yoga Therapy for Medicos and Para-medicos and Diploma in Yoga Science for Graduates courses; the Institute’s Library is providing Book Bank facility.A separate collection of the text books is maintained. A maximum of five books at a time for whole semester shall be provided to the eligible student from the Book Bank. (Link for Book Bank Application and Rules)
  12. Library Tour &Gallery : (photo/video)
  13. Library Hours :
S.No. Days Hours
1 Monday to Saturday

Circulation Hours

09:00 AM to 11:00 PM

10:00 AM to 6:00 PM


Sunday & Gazetted Holidays



  • The Institute's Library is open to bonafide members only. The non-members are allowed to access  he Library facilities and services only after producing written permission of the Communication & Documentation Officer (C.&D.O.) / Director, MDNIY Visitors must make entry in the register kept at the entrance of the Library. Readers may use the reading room facility for referring book, journal, report, newspaper etc. in the Institute's Library during reading hours only
  • Reading Hours (Monday to Friday): 10:00 A.M. To 01:00 P.M. 02:00 P.M. To 04:30 P.M
  • Circulation Hours (Monday to Friday): 09:30A.M. To 10:00 A.M. 01:30 P.M. To 04:30P.M
    (Closed during Weekend & Gazetted holidays)
  • Membership
  • The Institute's Library Membership is open for all on payment of Rs.SOO/- (Five hundred only) for annual while Rs.250/- (Two hundred fifty only) for quarterly membership. Books are allowed to be read in the Library premises ONLY within the reading hours
  • The prescribed Membership Form may be taken from MDNIY Library. The duly completed membership form is required to be submitted to the Library for further action
  • Renewal/Expiry of Library Membership:
  • The member is required to produce his/her original membership card in the library for renewal. Membership must be renewed at least one week before the date of expiry. Library membership will lapse automatically; if not renewed on time
  • Loss of Library Membership Card:
  • Loss of membership card must be reported in writing to the C.&D.O. immediately.
    Duplicate membership card will be issued on submission of a charge i.e. Rs.SO/-.
  • Care of Books:
  • The readers have privilege of direct access to the book shelves and the freedom to browse the books during library hours. Once the books are taken out of the shelf, they are not to be re-shelved and may be left on the table. A reader shall not write upon, damage/mark/scribe any document belonging to the Library. Do not fold corners of papers as temporary bookmarks
  • Book Bank Service for EWS:
  • Book Bank service is available for the economically weaker students of M.Sc.(Yoga), B.Sc.(Yoga), PGDYTMP and Diploma in Yoga Science (D.Y.Sc.) for Graduates ofthe Institute. A maximum of five books at a time for whole semester shall be provided to the eligible student from the Book Bank collection
  • Circulation Service:
  • Borrower should produce his/her valid ID card/ Authority letter, issued by the Administrative Officer I Deputy Director, MDNIY. Borrowinl rights are not transferrable
Library Book Borrower's Category No. of Books that can be Issued at a time Duration of Issue Overdue Charges (Per Day - Per Book)
MDNIY Staff:
Teaching 15 (GeneraI/Reference) 60 Days NA
Non-Teaching 5 (General/Reference) 30 Days NA
Contractual 5 (General) 30 Days NA
Temporary through 'GA Digital Web Word Pvt. Ltd.' 5* (General) 30 Days NA
MDNIY Yoga Internee 5 (General) 14 Days NA
MDNIY Library Member 3* (General) 14 Days NA
MDNIY Student:
M.Sc. (Yoga) 10** (General/Reference) 14 Days Rs.5.00 (including weekend and Govt. holiday, if any)
B.Sc. (Yoga) 10** (General/Reference) 14 Days Rs.5.00 (including weekend and Govt. holiday, if any)
Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Therapy for Medicos and ParaMedicos (PGDYTMP) 10** (General/Reference) 14 Days Rs.5.00 (including weekend and Govt. holiday, if any)
Diploma in Yoga Science for Graduates (D.Y.Sc.) 10** (General) 14 Days Rs.5.00 (including weekend and Govt. holiday, if any)
Certificate Course in Yoga for Wellness Instructor (CCYWI) 5* (General) 14 Days Rs.5.00 (including weekend and Govt. holiday, if any)
Certificate Course in Yoga for Protocol Instructor (CCYPI) 5* (Ceneral) 14 Days Rs.5.00 (including weekend and Govt. holiday, if any)

* Total cost of issued books shall not exceed Rs.2500/- (equal to Caution Money/Security Deposit)
** Total cost of issued books shall not exceed Rs.5000/- (equal to Caution Money/Secufity Deposit)


Clearance from Library:

  • 10. Books may be renewed only once, provided there is no demand from others. The Library Staff may recall books in circulation at any time.
  • 11. Manuscripts, rare books, dissertations, newspapers, periodicals shall not be issued except on written permission accorded by the Director, MDNIY.
  • 12. Borrower must satisfy himself/herself about the physical condition of the book etc. before borrowing. In case of any damage, he/she should bring the fact to the notice of the Library staff. Otherwise, if the book is found to be damaged on return, the borrower will be held responsible and will be required to indemnify the loss (as per MDNIY Library Rules).
  • 13. Borrower must report the loss/damage to the issued library book immediately to the C.&D.0., MDNIY, in writing. The loss/damage to the issued book(s) will be calculated, according to the existing 'Rules for recovery of Lost/Damaged — Issued Library Books'.
  • 14. Users are strictly advised not to make use of internet for purpose other than academic. In case of default, the defaulter's privilege shall be cancelled.
  • 15. The borrowers should obtain ”No-dues/Clearance Certificate” from the Institute's Library while leaving the Institute.
  1. Maintain peaceful environment within and around the Library premises.
  2. Noise, disturbance or unruly behavior is strictly forbidden in library premises.
  3. Talking, eating, chewing, spitting, smoking & sleeping in the Library is strictly prohibited.
  4. Mobile phone, watch alarm etc. should be on silent mode before entering into library.
  5. Delinquent persons are not allowed in the library.
  6. Library materials shall not be taken out of the library unless properly issued.
  7. Photography / Videography are not allowed in the library.
  8. Personal Belongings, i.e. bag umbrella, personal book, diary, register, folder, CD, floppy, laptop, etc. should not be brought into the library. They should be placed at the property counter at one's own risk. Institute shall not be responsible for any loss/damage of personal belongings left therein.
  9. Damage & theft of library material are punishable offence. The Institute will take necessary action against the offenders as per rules.
  10. The Library staff has the right to ask users to leave the library if they are creating disturbances or not abiding by the rules of the Institute's Library. Further, membership/privilege of any user can be suspended on account of misbehavior or indecent manner.


This issues with the approval of the Director, MDNIY.


Rules for recovery of Lost/Damaged - Issued Library Books

In case of loss/damage to the book, the borrower will be liable to replace the book and/or payment of charges as per the following criteria. The Library Section may take action as per rules given below.

If the book is available for purchase in the market:

The concerned borrower shall replace the Book with the latest edition. The library section shall enter the book with the same accession no. and a stamp of “Replaced Book” shall be fixed on the Title Page and Secret Page. There is no need to mark on the Accession Register.

If the book is not available in the market:

The borrower shall be required to get legible xerox copy with good quality paper, multicolour texts / illustrations / tables / graphs, etc. if any, of the book in proper hardbound shape, to replace the lost book. The library section shall enter the book with the same accession no. and a stamp of “Replaced Book” shall be fixed on the Title Page and Secret Page. There is no need to mark on the Accession Register and further, the penalty of minimum Rs. 200/- to 500/- per book, as fixed by the MDNIY, shall be charged.


The borrower shall be required to compensate original book lost / damaged by paying ten times the amount for the book published before 1980. The borrower shall be liable to deposit Rs. 200/- as handling and processing charges.


The borrower shall be required to compensate original book lost / damaged by paying eight times the amount for the book published between the years 1980 to 2000. The borrower shall be liable to deposit Rs. 200/- as handling and processing charges.


The borrower shall be required to compensate original book lost / damaged by paying five times the amount for the book published between the years 2001 to 2010. The borrower shall be liable to deposit Rs. 200/- as handling and processing charges.


The borrower shall be required to compensate original book lost / damaged by paying three times the amount for the book published between the years 2011 and onward. The borrower shall be liable to deposit Rs. 200/- as handling and processing charges.


  1. Book Bank facility is open to economically weaker students of Master of Science (Yoga), Bachelor of Science (Yoga), PG Diploma in Yoga Therapy for Medicos and Para-medicos and Diploma in Yoga Science for Graduates; courses of the Institute.
  2. A maximum of five books at a time for whole semester shall be provided to the eligible student from the Book Bank.
  3. To avail the Book Bank facility, eligible student may apply in the prescribed form (available in the Library). On recommendation of the respective course coordinator, the duly-filled form shall be submitted in the Library for approval of the Director.
  4. Eligible students are required to submit Book Bank Form after the commencement of new semester.
  5. Borrower shall deposit all issued books within five working days after the semester examination. Defaulters will lose his/her right to get book bank facility for the next semester.
  6. Students are advised to verify the physical condition of the books before issuing. The borrower will be responsible for any damage caused to the books after its issue.
  7. The borrower shall abide by the ‘Rules for recovery of Lost/Damaged - Issued Library Books’, in any case of loss or damage to the issued book(s).

This issues with the approval of the Director.

Rules for Staff to avail Library services

Instructors &Therapist who are working in the Institute on contract basis/part time basis,to avail the Library facilities and services. It is hereby informed that the interested Yoga Professionals are permitted to visit the Institute’s Library and shall follow the rules, as directed below:

  1. Individualsshould follow the basic rules of the Institute’s Library to maintain the decorum.
  2. Individuals should produce his/her valid ID card/Authority Letter during the Institute’s Library visit.
  3. The interested persons should submit duly filled Library Membership Form along with Rs.500/- as Fee to become an annual member of the Institute’s Library.
Borrowing Rules:
  1. The interested Yoga Professionalsshall deposit Rs.2000/- as security deposit*(* - refundable after clearance).
  2. A Borrower is entitled to borrow two books (except rare and reference copy) at a time for a duration of seven working days from the date of issuance.
  3. The total cost of issued books shall not exceed Rs.2000/-.
  4. No book shall be retained more than 15 working days at any circumstances, if so membership will be cancelled and deposit will be forfeited.
  5. Late return (if any) of the issued books shall be received back as per the discretion of the Director, MDNIY in writing.
Download Forms

Last updated on : 10-Feb-2025 15:44:46

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