12-Jul-2024 09:49:08 IST



    Y Break is IGOT Y-Break Empowers MDNIY's Y-Break 8.68 Lakh Lives
    Topper -Fusion World Employees -latestly Triumph -Daily Pioneer Transformed -The NewsMill

    MDNIY's Unmatched Milestone Government Officials Y-Break: A Gamechanger Revolutionising Wellness
    - Jantaserishta Embrace Yoga -timesnowhindi - firstindia at Work -devdiscourse
    Health Revolution via Y-Break Yoga for Workplace Wellness MDNIY Achieves Record Success Y-Break Benefits Thousands
    - The Week - Rediff - RTVLive - Latestly

    Govt Employees Choose Yoga MDNIY’s Wellness Initiative Shines Yoga Break Reaches Millions Wellness Boost for EmployeesE
    - Fusion World - NDTV - The Tathya - The Pioneer
    MDNIY-SAI MOU MOU for athletic performance Thai Delegation explore Yoga Thai Delegation at MDNIY
    - The Week - Outlook India - DeccanHerald - The Week

    Continuing Medical Education Program 6-Day CME program MDNIY Conducts CME Program MDNIY organises CME
    - PIB - Orissa Diary - Devdiscourse - Shiksha
    CME program MDNIY conducts 6-day CME program MDNIY advancing academic excellence MDNIY hosts CME
    - RTV Telugu - economictimes - Indiaeducationdiary - Bhaskarlive

    Medical Educational Program CME program Therapeutic knowledge of Yoga अकादमिक और चिकित्सीय उत्कृष्टता
    - Lokmattimes - Pune.news - newkerala.com - healthspectrum
    समझौता ज्ञापनों पर हस्ताक्षर- यूनिवार्ता मो. दे. रा. यो. स. की बड़ी उपबल्धि MDNIY Landmark MOUs मो.दे.रा.यो.स के अहम समझौते
    - Success - insamachar - thenewshashtag - navsatta

    मो.दे.रा.यो.स. ने किए 3 समझौते MDNIY marks significant milestone MDNIY 3 MOU promote Yoga 3 MOU
    -टाइम्स नाउ हिंदी - PIB - Economic times - TripuraStarNews
    Diet's Role in Yoga Balanced Diet and Yoga The Role of Diet in Yoga Importance of Diet in Yoga
    - Success - Devdiscourse - Dinamalar - PTI

    उचित आहार और योग Media corner news: Lecture Media corner news: Lecture योग और आहार
    - द हेल्थ साइट on Yoga and Ahara -The Print on Yoga and Ahara -PIB - स्वतंत्र आवाज़
    MDNIY Organises Special Lecture Yoga and ahara in drugonlinetoday Yoga and ahara in emkayglobal मो.दे.रा.यो.सं. के निदेशक से डीडी न्यूज
    - TRIPURA STAR NEWS - Drugs Today - - की योग में डिप्लोमा पर खास बातचीत...

    डिप्लोमा कोर्स में एडमिशन बच्‍चों के लिए योगासन Crash course on Patanjali Yogic Sukshma Vyayayma
    - न्यूज़ 18 - न्यूज़ 18 - Yoga Sutra in Shafat Daily Workshop-RTV
    Yogic Sukshma Vyayayma Workshop यौगिक सूक्ष्म व्यायाम कार्यशाला यौगिक सूक्ष्म व्यायाम कार्यशाला यौगिक सूक्ष्म व्यायाम कार्यशाला
    - RTV - टाइम्स नाउ - द हेल्थ साइट - जागरण

    मो.दे.रा.यो.सं. में ओपीडी Dr. Kashinath Samgandi's address MDNIY Organises Special Lecture
    - न्यूज18 on World Youth Skills Day -on RTV On Yoga And Ahaar - TRIPURA STAR NEWS
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